What to do

Located in a region where you can enjoy many sports and cultural activities for the whole family, considering that the tranquility of the area is one of its most important characteristics.


Close to the house you can go mushroom picking, swim in the river, go hillwalking and practice mountain biking.


The nearest town is Solsona, 12 km away, full of history and traditions: The Cathedral, the remains of the Ancient Medieval walls, and the Diocesan and Regional Museum.


In the country you shall visit: St. Llorenç de Morunys, with its baroque altar of the Verge dels Colls and the beautiful Vall de Lord; La Coma i La Pedra, with the source of the river Cardener and the Puda source; El Miracle, with its Benedictine shrine, the beautiful Baroque altar and the interpretation center. Olius, with its modernist cemetery and the Pre-Romanesque crypt and, Cambrils, with Les Salines.


All this surrounded by beautiful landscapes and good gastronomy.

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